Flame Point Siamese Cats 101: Personality and Physical Appearance

Flame Point Siamese Cat Personality

Siamese cats are outstanding for their irresistible beauty and charming personality.

Most Siamese cats are distinguishable by their unusual coat colors as well as the color points over their cots. The points are generally dark in color and are more visible around the cat’s face, ears, tail, and paws.

Siamese cats are named depending on the color points on their coats. In which case, we have the blue point, cream point, lilac point, seal point, red point, and chocolate point Siamese cats.

Red point Siamese cats are also known as flame point Siamese cats, and this article shall uncover everything there is to know about redpoints. Some of the areas the post shall cover include the actual appearance of flame point Siamese cats, their temperament, health issues, lifespan, and other frequently asked questions about this variety of domestic cat.

More About Colorpoint Siamese Cats

As we’ve already highlighted, Siamese cats sport different color points over their coats, and the cats are named based on their distinctive points.

Before we delve deeper into flame point Siamese cats, let’s take a quick look at the general physical appearance of the other colorpoint Siamese cats.

Seal Point Siamese Cats

Seal Point Siamese cats have points that are blackish or dark brown in color. The points are usually visible around the cat’s nose and paws, particularly for cats with a cream coat color. Many cat fanciers believe that the original Siamese cats were seal points.

Seal Point Siamese Cat

Lilac Point Siamese Cats

A Siamese cat falls under the lilac point category if she comes with pink-like grey-colored points and white fur coat. Observed closely, the cat’s nose and paw pads are usually lavender in color.

Blue Point Siamese Cats

As the name suggests, Blue Point Siamese Cats come with blue points on their fur. The blue color is often more prominent in the cat’s eyes. In addition to their bluish eyes and fur, some bluepoints also feature slate grey noses and paw pads.

Chocolate Point Siamese Cats

Siamese cats with chocolate points have cream-colored bodies and milk-chocolate-colored points. Their noses, tails, ears, and paw pads usually feature a light chocolate color.

Cream Point Siamese Cats

Last but not least, Cream Point Siamese cats have cream coats and very light color points. The noses and paw pads of cream points often appear pinky.

All the above varieties of Siamese cats are collectively known as colorpoint Siamese cats. Also, depending on a cat’s registry, each of the above varieties may be registered as a distinct breed or variant of Siamese cats.

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So, What About Flame Points?

Flame Point Siamese cats are basically red points. The choice of one name over the other depends on where you’re coming from. For instance, the cats are known as flame points in the U.K and red points in the US and Australia.

Flamepoints are arguably the rarest varieties of Siamese cats, which also means that they’re among the rarest cats in the world. These cats are distinguished by their distinctive bright, reddish-gold points as well as sparkling blue eyes; a combination that makes them incredibly beautiful.

Redpoints also sport warm, creamy-white, and short coats, as well as pink eye rims, nose, and paw pads. A striping across these cats’ faces further highlight their already-gorgeous appearance.

Beautiful Flame Point Siamese Cat

You’ll also realize that like other colorpoint Siamese cats, the color hues in Flame Points deepen with age. The older the cat gets, the darker their points.

But as with most other cat breeds, flame points aren’t born with their distinctive markings. At birth, Flame Point kittens are pure white and only develop their color points after several months.

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Where Did Flame Point Siamese Cats Come From?

Flame Point Siamese cats came into existence around the same time many other colorpoint Siamese cat breeds were developed. However, there are no officially documented records pointing out to the actual date and time that the first flame point was developed.

One of the most plausible theories about the origin of Flame Point Siamese cats suggest that these cats were first bred in the 1930s, in the UK. According to this theory, redpoints are a cross between seal point Siamese breeds and the red tabby or tortoiseshell British shorthair breeds which carried genes for the orange color.

However, what we know for sure is that all Siamese cats carry a Himalayan gene in them, which is expressed as partial albinism. It’s this very gene that accounts for the color points on these cats’ bodies.

The Himalayan gene is also known to be heat-sensitive, which essentially means that colorpoint cats raised in cooler environments tend to develop deeper points. Over time, the gene has undergone significant mutation, which restricts coloring across the cat’s extremities, such as on her face, legs, and tail.

Flame Point Siamese Kitten

But flame points aren’t just mysterious in terms of their origin. The modern classification of these cats is also somewhat in dispute. In certain countries, flame points aren’t even identified as true Siamese.

While both the UK-based Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and the Australian Cat Federation recognize flame points as members of the Siamese breed, the same isn’t true across the US. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) doesn’t classify flame points among the Siamese breed but as ColorPoint Shorthairs, which is a separate breed.

Flame Point Siamese Cat Personality

Anyone interested in acquiring a flame point might be wondering what the personality of a Flame Point Siamese cat looks like.

Like all Siamese cats, flame points are renowned for their vibrant and outgoing personality. The cats are highly sociable, playful, and easily get along with kids and other pets. The sociable nature of flame points makes them excellent for families with young children.

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What about Flame Point Siamese cat temperament, are Flame Point Siamese cats mean?

Absolutely not. On the contrary, Flame Point Siamese cats are kind, loving, and dedicated to their owners as well as the other members of the household.

However, remember that like all other cats, flame points can be strong-willed sometimes. They’re instinctively wired to pursue their happiness on their own terms. So, flame points may come across as obstinate at times, but that doesn’t make them mean. But remember that while flame points aren’t mean, it’s always necessary to trade with caution when introducing the cat to a new family member.

The introductions should be slow and gradual to prevent the cat’s wild instincts from kicking in, resulting in undue confrontations.

Red Point Siamese Kitten with Blue Eyes

Still on personality traits, Flame Point Siamese cats come across as highly intelligent animals. Therefore, they’re remarkably easy to train and can remember commands from several months ago. But as you shall find, it’s easier to train them while they’re still young and naïve.

Perhaps one of the most outstanding characteristics of Flame Point Siamese cats is their curiosity. All cats are curious, alright. But when it comes to flame points, curiosity is like their second nature.

The cat will not hesitate to check out anything in her patch that doesn’t seem to belong. Thanks to their curiosity, flame points are also always eager to make a new family member’s acquaintance.

Another notable personality trait of Flame Point Siamese cats is their highly talkative nature. These cats have up to 100 different vocal sounds. You may find them to be a bit noisy at first. But as you get used to your newly-acquired flame point, you’ll realize that she’s only vocal for you. Many of her constant meows are all meant to entertain and not to annoy you.

Last but not least, flame points are somewhat adaptable. While a change in routine may throw them off balance at first, these cats have a way of bouncing back and acclimatizing themselves to their new surroundings and routines.

But regardless of their incredible personality, Flame Point Siamese cats are not for everyone. Remember that these cats are highly attention-seeking. So, if you lead a traveler’s lifestyle where you only appear in your home haphazardly, then this may not be the breed for you.

Also, flame points are quite hyperactive. That should come as good news for any would-be cat owner, as it helps to tire down the cat. But remember that for the most part, the cat will want you to join in on the play, which may be a bit overwhelming for you.

And like all cat breeds, flame points may be aggressive at times. When comparing their aggression on the basis of their sex, female flame points appear to be more temperamental than their male counterparts. This happens to be true for most cat breeds.

In the case of flame points, it might also be attributed to the fact that there are more male than female redpoints. Therefore, we’re already used to the calm and mellow traits that flame points have in general.

Another reason that might help to explain the variance in aggression between male and female redpoints is that female cats are generally protective of their young. Once their maternal instincts kick in, the cat will go on the offensive, not caring if you’re her owner or not.

On the flip side, male redpoints can also be aggressive, especially during the mating season or while defending their territories from intrusion by other cats.

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Other Frequently Asked Questions About Flame Point Siamese Cats

Are Flame Point Siamese cats rare?

Yes, Flame Point Siamese cats are very rare. The breed is so rare that it’s largely unregistered. Females tend to be up to three times rarer than males.

Do Flame Point Siamese cats shed?

Yes, they do shed. However, Flame Points don’t shed a lot, at least not as much as other cat breeds do. Like other members of the Siamese breed, flame points may appear fluffy. But they undergo only two molts every year. They mostly shed in spring and fall. Also, as you shall find, shedding is more pronounced among long-haired Flame Point Siamese cats.

Are Flame Point Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

Yes, they are. The fact that flame points only shed twice a year means that they’re generally considered hypoallergenic.

However, remember that there’s no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic cat. If you’re allergic to cats, you can always expect some allergic reactions to a flame point, even during the periods when the cat sheds the least.


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How long do Flame Point Siamese live?

Flamepoints can live anywhere between 15 and 20 years. A flame point’s lifespan depends on her general health condition. And that may get you wondering, what are some of the common Flame Point Siamese health issues?

A popular health concern with redpoints is age-related retinal atrophy, which is attributed to their blue eyes. Flamepoints are also prone to PICA, an obsessive-compulsive disorder whereby the cat licks and chews furniture, fabrics, and other items.

Other common health issues with Flame Point Siamese cats include dental issues, urinary problems, hip dysplasia, arthritis, and hyperesthesia.

What is the average Flame Point Siamese price?

Flamepoints typically go for between USD 400 and 2000. As you can see, this is a fairly large price range, which essentially means that the cost of Flame Point Siamese cats isn’t cast in stone. It mostly depends on the breeder as well as other factors, such as the cat’s age, sex, and general health condition.


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There goes our detailed guide on Flame Point Siamese cats. By and large, flame points are some of the most beautiful cats you can ever own. Their charming personality complements their physical appearance, making them some of the rarest and most precious cat breeds.

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Maria is the Founder and Senior Editor at AllCatSecrets.com. She is a lifelong feline enthusiast, self-educated pet care nerd and adores cats of all shapes! Currently parent of 2 adopted cats. She loves iced coffee, playing guitar and cat-cuddling! .

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