Can Cats Eat Coconut? How About Coconut Oil?

can cats have coconut

Many cat owners ask this question a lot. Is it okay to give my cat some bit of coconut? Is it safe for my feline friend to eat coconut?

Most of us like to have a nibble of this fruit once in a while but is it safe for your little kitten to also have some?

Coconuts are sweet to the taste buds, not to mention the delicious coconut milk that comes from this fruit.

Have you been looking for answers? Read on to find out more about cats and coconuts.

Can Cats Have Coconut?

You have probably heard of the saying that says: curiosity killed the cat.

Well, it comes as no surprise therefore that cats are naturally very curious animals. Most cats will show interest in whatever you are eating.

If you see your cat sniffing around the dining area when you are seated having your coconut delicacy, just know that they also might be wanting a share of that treat as well.

It could be a coconut pie or just shredded coconut, that is where you pause for a second and ask yourself whether cats really do eat coconuts. Is it even safe to give her some or is it harmful in any way?

? Cats can eat coconut but you need to be mindful of the amounts of coconut that you give your kitty.

Coconuts are not toxic at all but they do contain a high fat content which might not be very good for your feline friend.

You have probably heard about coconut oil which is normally extracted from coconuts.

Coconuts are loaded with fatty content known as MCT or what is commonly referred to as medium chain triglycerides which is actually not very good for your cat when consumed in large amounts.

How Much Coconut Should I Give My Cat?

? As I already highlighted before, too much coconut is not good for your cat because of the high MCT content.

This essentially means that you should give your cat coconuts once in a while.

Coconut should be given in moderation just like it is with any other treat. Otherwise of you don’t do so it will end up causing more harm than good.

You need to be aware of the fact that if your cat consumes too much coconut, it may result in gastrointestinal issues like constipation and diarrhea. Too much fat can cause diarrhea even in us humans so the same applies to your feline friend.

is coconut bad for cats

Is Coconut Okay For Cats?

Coconuts are not toxic to cats, however, you need to give your cat coconuts in moderation.

The high fat content can consequently lead to a condition known as hepatic lipidosis. This is one of the reasons why you need to regulate the amount of coconut that you feed your cat.

The build-up of MCT in your cat’s body can cause hepatic lipidosis which is a condition where the liver holds too much fat. Hepatic lipidosis may be fatal to your cat and life threatening.

The high fat content in coconuts can also cause hyperlipidemia or what is commonly known as pancreatitis in cats.

Are you shocked that cats too can suffer from pancreatitis? Well, there it is, cats can suffer from this illness just like humans so you better limit the amount of coconut your cat eats.

Do not give in to the cute, innocent eyes and her adorable whine when you are diving into your coconut pie, remember that moderation is key.

How Should I Give My Cat Coconut?

There are a number of ways in which you can use to give your cat some coconut.

If your cat can’t eat some coconut meat, you can try giving some coconut milk or coconut yogurt.

Is it okay to give my cat these other forms of coconut delicacies? Are they good for my cat to eat? These might be some of the questions that you have in your mind.

Read on to find out the truth of the matter!

Can I Give My Cat Coconut Water?

The coconut fruit has hard outer brown shell that protects the inner edible white flesh. Inside the hard brown shell is the white, fleshy part that we enjoy eating and there is also some coconut water.

When you break the coconut shell in two halves, there is clear coconut water that comes out. You might be wondering whether it is safe for your cat to drink this coconut water.

According to animal nutritionist experts, you need to avoid coconut water for your cat at all costs.

Why is this so? Coconut water contains too much sugar and this is not good for your cat. A good number of cats, if not all, have a problem in digesting or processing sugar properly hence you can just avoid it altogether.

Can I Give My Cat Coconut Oil?

? The answer might be pretty obvious because coconut oil in large amounts is not good for your cat.

There are some cat owners who believe that when they give their cat some coconut oil, they end up having shinier fur and a moisturized skin.

While it might be true but you can just apply a little bit of coconut oil on your cat’s fur once in a while to make her coat look and feel glossy.

If you need to include some coconut oil in your cat’s meals then it should be very little. When you overfeed your cat with coconut oil, the high fat content in it is not good for your feline friend.

Can I Give My Cat Coconut Milk?

If you are a cat owner, then you must have noticed that cats can’t really handle dairy milk as well as those movies led us to believe.

Don’t get me wrong though, cats do love milk, most that I have come across at least, but their bodies don’t appreciate milk that well.

It is also true that coconut milk may not necessarily give your cat any diarrhea but it does contain fats and calories that are not healthy for your cat.

When you feed your cat too much of these coconut delicacies, it may cause serious health issues like obesity.

So if you were there wondering whether cats can have coconut milk, then I believe you have found the appropriate answer.

Coconut milk is a no-go zone for your cat. Coconut milk is too high in fats and oils so you should not be giving your cat any to begin with.

cats and coconut

Can Cats Eat Shredded Coconut?

? You need to avoid giving any coconut to your cat too much shredded coconut as it is not good for them.

Your cat should probably eat just a teaspoon of shredded coconut once in a while. Anything in excess of that is harmful to your little kitty.

Can Cats Eat Coconut Yogurt?

Most cats are not able to tolerate any lactose or dairy products and this includes yogurt.

Kittens are able to digest dairy products easily because they are still suckling their mother’s milk. However, when they get older, there is no need for them to take milk hence their bodies adjust accordingly.

Your cats body stops producing an enzyme that enables them to properly digest lactose hence your cat may not be able to handle milk.

However, it is a different case when it comes to yogurt. Even though yogurt is also a dairy product, it does contain a lot of useful bacteria. These useful bacteria make it easier for your cat to digest yogurt easily compared to other dairy products.


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Yogurt contains plenty of natural bacteria called streptococcus thermophiles which help to break down lactose into lactic acid which then your cat should be able to easily digest without a problem.

You can go ahead and let your cat enjoy some coconut yogurt but you need to do so in moderation. This should be so especially if your cat has never eaten yogurt before

Nevertheless, coconut yogurt can be nutritious and healthy for your cat because it contains potassium, calcium and magnesium. Calcium helps to strengthen your cat’s bones, magnesium helps your cat to be able to absorb all the essential vitamins and proteins.

Coconut yogurt also has probiotics that can help treat any digestive issues that your cat may have. Therefore, you should go ahead and let your feline friend enjoy some nice treat of coconut yogurt every once in a while, it is totally fine.

Can Cats Eat Coconut Ice Cream?

We all love ice-cream especially on a hot and sunny day. The same applies to your little feline friend.

Coconut ice-cream in itself is not toxic to cats so yes, your cat can eat some coconut ice-cream It is highly unlikely that your cat will become seriously sick if they eat some coconut ice-cream.

Yes, your cat can eat some of this yummy treat but it might not be that straightforward.

? You need to be sure that the coconut ice cream that you want to give your feline friend contains no artificial sweeteners. There are sweeteners like xylitol that are toxic to cats.

The best way you can have your cat enjoy some coconut ice cream is by making this treat at home.

can cats have coconut milk

Homemade coconut ice-cream is healthier and a better option as compared to those you purchase at the grocery store. This is because you can at least be sure of all the ingredients used and that they are not unhealthy for your cat.

You may find it surprising that your cat actually likes eating coconut ice-cream. Most cats are attracted and drawn to the high fat content contained in the ice-cream and it has nothing to do with the flavor of the ice-cream.

Let your cat cool off in the hot summer weather by eating some delicious coconut ice-cream once in a while.

Can I Give My Cat Fresh Coconut?

Fresh coconut is good for both humans and cats alike.

It is very okay to let your cat have a little bit of fresh coconut. However, as I explained earlier, just like any other treat, make sure you give your cat in moderation.

? Treats need to make up at least only 10% of your cat’s entire diet. Fresh coconut is okay for your cat as long as it is given in small quantities.

Can Cats Eat Coconut Cream?

Coconut cream is actually almost the same as coconut milk. The only difference is that coconut cream contains less water and is a little bit thicker in consistency.

? So, you should avoid giving your cat coconut cream especially the ones bought at the shops. These coconut creams and powders sold in stores have artificial additives and preservatives that are not good for your feline friend at all.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, cats can eat coconuts but it should be in small amounts. You need to make it a once-in-a while treat.

Coconuts do not have to form part of your cat’s daily meal because too much of it is not good for your feline friend. Coconuts have a high content of fats which can easily cause your kitty to have loose stool, diarrhea and stomach upsets.

Coconut water also has a high level of potassium which your cat should not consume either. Most cats as we have seen are highly intolerant to dairy products. This makes it hard for their bodies to handle and digest any dairy products which contain lactose.

However, yogurt is different. You can go ahead and make some nice coconut yogurt for your feline friend to enjoy.

Yogurt contains some useful bacteria that make it possible for your cat to digest it. Therefore, you can be well assured that your kitty will not have any stomach pains or gastrointestinal complications after having some coconut yogurt.

Coconuts do have some nutritional benefits to your cat. They have some vitamins and minerals that are important in the overall growth and development of your feline friend.

When giving your cat some coconut, make sure that it is in small quantities. If it is shredded coconut, then a teaspoon once in a while should be okay.


Maria is the Founder and Senior Editor at She is a lifelong feline enthusiast, self-educated pet care nerd and adores cats of all shapes! Currently parent of 2 adopted cats. She loves iced coffee, playing guitar and cat-cuddling! .

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