Cats may have lived with humans for thousands of years since we domesticated them. But these animals are yet to shed most of their evolutionary traits, such as their feeding habits. In the wild,...
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It’s not unusual to find a cat begging so passionately for human food. Neither is it unusual to find a cat owner offering people foods to his feline friend with careless abandon. Now, feeding...
Can Cats Eat Salmon? Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects
Salmon is undeniably one of the most nutritious fish for humans to eat. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as protein and lots of other essential minerals and vitamins. Salmon is also one...
Flame Point Siamese Cats 101: Personality and Physical Appearance
Siamese cats are outstanding for their irresistible beauty and charming personality. Most Siamese cats are distinguishable by their unusual coat colors as well as the color points over their cots....
My own cat loves peanut butter! You must be asking yourself this question over and over again, can my cat eat peanut butter? Is it safe for my cat to eat peanut...
Can Cats Eat Spiders? How Dangerous Can Spiders Possibly Be?
Spiders are some of the most common house insects on the planet. So, there’s a likelihood that some of these insects live under the same roof with you. Which means that they also cross paths with...