Butter is a yummy, flavorful, and highly nutritious treat for humans. However, according to expert nutritionists, butter should only be used in moderation. Interestingly, most foods that are...
Archives: Blog
If cat owners were to be arraigned on charges of offering human foods to cats, most of us would be guilty as charged. We naturally find ourselves giving our feline friends human foods, even when...
Why Are Orange Tabby Cats So Affectionate? (4 Possible Reasons)
Affectionateness is one of the top qualities that most cat lovers often consider before adopting a cat. Indeed, it’s unimaginable to stay in the same house with a cat that sulks all day long....
There’s a long list of research studies and documented evidence that classifies flies as some of the most deadly insects. Indeed, flies are known to transmit a broad spectrum of diseases....
Owning a cat is one of the most human fulfilling experiences. These furry, little friends are incredibly energetic, playful, and can make an otherwise boring day lively and colorful. One of the...
Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken? Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects
Picture this! You’re in the kitchen, struggling to prepare a sumptuous chicken dinner. As you chop the poultry into pieces, your cat emerges out of nowhere and begins meowing for some...